The Basement

Animated short film

I couldn’t be more excited to share my first animation short film as a director, “The Basement,” as a valuable addition to my portfolio. This heartfelt story revolves around a little girl and her grandmother navigating the challenges of the COVID-19 lock down. Through the film, we aimed to capture the untold stories of children during this unprecedented time, how they coped with isolation, virtual schooling, and the absence of playmates. Despite the tough circumstances, we wanted to showcase the indomitable spirit of children, their ability to maintain a positive attitude, and the powerful bonds they formed with their families and pets. The theme of hope and love resonates deeply throughout the narrative.

Crafting this animation was a learning experience, especially since it was my first time directing. The biggest challenge I faced was assembling and managing the diverse Colombian talent that made up he team. Some members were familiar faces I had previously worked with, while others were talented individuals I found through the internet. To ensure a smooth workflow, I knew that a solid pre-production phase was crucial. We invested time and effort in creating detailed concept art, ackgrounds, and character designs, allowing every team member to envision the final result. This approach also extended to the storyboards, providing our animators with a clear roadmap to bring the animation to life. Though the process had its hurdles, the dedication and collaboration of our in-house team ultimately made “The Basement” a reality.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this project was the goal to evoke positive emotions in the audience. We wanted “The Basement” to be a beacon of happiness and hope, especially during these challenging times. The animation style, a delicate blend of 2D aesthetics within a 3D framework, beautifully complemented the heartfelt story we sought to tell. Throughout the production journey, we were continuously driven by our passion for delivering an animation that would touch hearts and inspire people of all ages.

I’m immensely proud of the team’s efforts, as “The Basement” was entirely produced in-house. It’s a testament to the incredible talent within the Colombian animation industry. What makes this project even more special is the fact that I worked on this short film while being an employee at Venturit, Inc. Moreover, “The Basement” marks the first production of “Venturit Studios,” a startup project initiated by Venturit, Inc. This venture into the world of animation has been a labor of love, and the support and encouragement from Venturit, Inc. made this journey all the more fulfilling. The film’s reception at prestigious festivals, including the Palm Springs Animation Festival 2023 and the Life Screenings International Short Film Festival 2023, fills me with immense joy. Seeing how our work resonates with audiences reinforces my belief in the power of storytelling through animation. “The Basement” holds a special place in my heart, and I hope it becomes a memorable and cherished experience for all who watch it.

Disclaimer: As the director of “The Basement,” I must emphasize that I do not own any rights to this animation short film. All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and any other proprietary rights, belong solely to Venturit, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Any use, reproduction, distribution, or exploitation of the content of “The Basement” without the explicit authorization and consent of Venturit, Inc. is strictly prohibited. This animation short film was created as the first production of “Venturit Studios,” a startup project initiated by Venturit, Inc., and all rights and ownership rest with the aforementioned entities. Any inquiries or requests regarding the usage or licensing of “The Basement” should be directed to Venturit, Inc. for consideration.

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